Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Tropical Weetabix:
  • 2 Weetabix biscuits
  • Honey (raw honey with little wax chunks is preferable)
  • 1/2 a banana
  • Shredded coconut (1/2 sweetened, 1/2 unsweetened)
  • Thompson raisins
  • Soy milk
  1. Put the Weetabix biscuits in a bowl. Shallow ones are best.
  2. Spread a little bit of honey on them.
  3. Slice banana on top of Weetabix and honey. Even distribution is key. Sing the "Chiquita Banana" song and think about the exploitation of Latin American female identity (or something).
  4. Sprinkle some coconut on there. Sing "La Cucaracha."
  5. Add some Thompson raisins. Put the container away, and then pull it back out to add two more raisins. Like that, yeah.
  6. Find a sad, slow record to listen to. Maybe Bonnie "Prince" Billy.
  7. Put in some soy milk. Not too much. Do this at the last possible moment before consumption.
  8. Enjoy, or something.

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