Monday, August 11, 2008

I am no longer on academic sanction though now a new $2,836.06 is glaring into my eyes with a nasty, "So what? You gonna do it? Really?"

As it turns out, I could graduate this year with my Bachelors Degree in Anthropology. Who ever really needed the Honour in it any way? I think what I want is to work with my hands but I can't tell anymore so I just Google "woodworking fine arts college." Then I realize I do not want to lay foundations and build cabinets so what kind of carpenter would I be any way? I hear they're in demand in France. I could be a French carpenter. It's settled, then.

Our new baby Moon Baby scratched me in the eyeball last night. The optometrist does not open until 10:00 so I take the morning off of work to make sure I don't get cat scratch fever. That would happen; it's kind of my thing to get the diseases that infants do.

The weather has cooled down and I am so so mad. I want to be sweaty and sticky and naked in my bed laying on my back with the window open and the fan on. Unbearably hot. Whatever happened to that? I thought this was global warming?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Things deflect in funny ways. So does sound.

Learn this lesson. End things early if you want to.