Last night I took a look at my cider before taking a taste and noticed some little mould buddies floating on the top. Thusly it was decided that that shit had better get into bottles, and fast! It was sitting for about 4 weeks, I think, which seems reasonable as far as I can gather from the internet.
The "set up" included my two jugs, a 5 gallon canola oil bucket (former laundry bucket before I decided that maybe I don't feel like doing laundry in a bucket/my clothes are still dirty/my socks take a week to dry), a piece of plastic tubing from the hardware store (quincaillerie, in french, which as a word for 'hardware store', dates back to 1875. I learned this from someone who's really into that- the history of words- over wine and chocolate muffin cookies. Originally quincailles was the word for bells or something. Actual hard wares that make noise. I think. I can't pretend to remember all of this) down the road that I frequent all to often. The woman who works is friendly and patient and laughs a little when I walk in again. The little funnel was helpful. There's a jar for yumyumtasting, and the measuring cup holds dissolved honey for making one batch of (hopefully) *sparkling* cider.
The whole thing: very not-sterile.
Siphoning feels like all the frat parties I tried to avoid in university, except that it's good.
And then it goes in the Grolsch bottles, which came to me by way of an angel, I think, who whistled and ran across the road. She told me the chef had been saving some in his basement going on ten years, especially for me it'd seem.
I thought it'd be nice to have a portrait with the fruits of my labour, only to find fruit fliez already in the cider jar. But it's okay!
Other news as follows:
This happened very suddenly this morning. I had thought he was furling a parachute.
Got seeds/planted 'em in tins in the window/crossing my fingers/nowhere else to put my bike I guess it's fine.
You look lovely and cute.
gosh dang, i miss you. i want to do all of these things with you some day, k?
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